Interesting times

Hey there, thanks for dropping by. I haven’t been on here for a few weeks because I have struggled to find the time. Conferences, research, and pregnancy have been my three biggest distractions, but things are settling as I head into my 34th week of pregnancy next week.

A couple of milestones for our preparation include our baby’s room being well and truly a space of joy and calm. There is a lot going on it there - devices ‘crying’ intermittently, lights on and off, carrying baby doll around and changing her as the dogs watch on etc. And the pram has now entered the routine. When we head outside, often we take the pram with us.

Walking alongside the pram results in praise and food, but they are also of course allowed to go wherever they want if they choose. Agency is one of the mos important things you can give a dog - the choice to make decisions they feel keep them safe. As long as we provide the right environment, we should be able to allow our dogs great agency throughout their day, every day.

The weather has been quite brutal this week, and seems to be continuing its terror over the next few days so, I have written a post on social media, with some ideas on how to keep your pet safe and cool on hot days. A lot of decisions we need to make for our pets can come at the expense of convenience - however, it is our responsibility to ensure we keep them health and happy. Sadly, they rely on us for just about everything, so its crucial we do not let them down.

On a final note, my harness trials are underway. Some of the feedback includes:

‘it’s a game changer’

‘this will be life changing’

‘she’s not pulling at all, now!’

A harness that is ethical and effective - I am excited to keep you posted!


Wolf Mother. 1


This week’s news